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Tag: "Kant"

Solid Ground

by Clinton Van Inman
[Issue 132: June/July 2019: Poetry]

Kant & the Science of Logic by Huaping Lu-Adler

Melissa Merritt considers the logic of Immanuel Kant.
[Issue 132: June/July 2019: Books]

A New Twist on Old Ideas

Lucian Lupescu sees how far Kant’s and Marx’s ideals overlap.
[Issue 131: April/May 2019: Question Marx]

What is it Like to be a Dragonfly?

Benedict O’Connell explores puzzles of perception with Locke, Kant and Nagel.
[Issue 131: April/May 2019: Articles]

Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894)

Dylan Daniel looks at the philosophical insights of a remarkable scientist.
[Issue 129: December 2018 / January 2019: Brief Lives]

The Concept of the Other from Kant to Lacan

Peter Benson looks at how continental minds see how we see other minds.
[Issue 127: August/September 2018: Continental Thoughts]

Our Duty to the Dead

Stamatina Liosi enlists the help of Immanuel Kant to discover why we have a duty to treat the dead with dignity.
[Issue 126: June/July 2018: Articles]

The Golden Rule Revisited

Paul Walker and Ally Walker wonder if the Golden Rule could be a stand-alone ethic.
[Issue 125: April/May 2018: Articles]

The Puzzle Of Patriotism

Phil Badger tries to make sense of a tangle of pride, identity and metaphysics.
[Issue 124: February/March 2018: Articles]

Kant & The Human Subject

Brian Morris compares the ways Kant’s question “What is the human being?” has been answered by philosophers and anthropologists.
[Issue 123: December 2017 / January 2018: Articles]

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