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Tag: "Kant"

News: March/April 2004

$1 million prize for scholars • Attack of the clones • Philosophy radio hits airwaves • Immanuel Kant bicentenary celebration — News reports by Sue Roberts in London and Lisa Sangoi in New York
[Issue 45: March/April 2004: News]

Bohr & Kant & Zeno

Would it not be nice if there were a simple foundation to quantum physics? Tony Wagstaff believes there is; and that the Greeks had it.
[Issue 45: March/April 2004: Articles]

On Beauty and Being Just by Elaine Scarry

Peter Benson applauds a beautiful book on beauty by Elaine Scarry.
[Issue 44: January/February 2004: Books]

The Kantian Coach

Tim Madigan thinks that Immanuel Kant wouldn’t have made a very popular coach, but would have worked wonders for the spirit of fair play.
[Issue 41: May/June 2003: Philosophy and Sport]

The Poet’s Metaphysical Role

Rilke thought that the point of poetry was to immortalize that which is transitory. Peter Rickman explains.
[Issue 39: December 2002 / January 2003: Articles]

Kant’s Day Off

A short story about the Sage of Königsberg by Heather Reyes.
[Issue 35: March/April 2002: Short Story]

The Mouse That Roared

by Joel Marks
[Issue 34: December 2001 / January 2002: Moral Moments]

Major Change

A short story by Michael Wreen, with apologies to Raymond Chandler.
[Issue 32: June/July 2001: Short Story]

Kant and the Thing in Itself

Ralph Blumenau on why things may not be what they seem to be.
[Issue 31: March/April 2001: Articles]

Nietzsche & Values

Nietzsche rejected all conventional morality but he wasn’t a nihilist – he called for a “re-evaluation of all values”. Alexander V. Razin describes the gulf separating him from that other great moralist, Immanuel Kant.
[Issue 29: October/November 2000: Nietzsche]

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