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Tag: "Kant"

Photography In The 18th Century

by Peter Keeble
[Issue 123: December 2017 / January 2018: Poetry]

On Reading Kant

by Brandon Robshaw
[Issue 120: June/July 2017: Poetry]

An Overdue Appearance of Immanuel Kant

Raymond Tallis introduces a giant of philosophy to Wonderland.
[Issue 118: February/March 2017: Tallis in Wonderland]

Justifying Our Moral Judgments

Thomas Dabay combines the ideas of David Hume and Immanuel Kant to help show how we can be right about what’s right.
[Issue 112: February/March 2016: Articles]

Kant’s Politics in Context by Reidar Maliks

Matt Qvortrup puts Kant’s Politics in Context.
[Issue 108: June/July 2015: Books]

Being Charitable To Kant

Terri Murray tries to be so.
[Issue 101: March/April 2014: Articles]

Kant & Rand on Rationality & Reality

Dana Andreicut tells us about their philosophical differences and similiarities.
[Issue 101: March/April 2014: Articles]

Causes As (Local) Oomph

Raymond Tallis hunts for the source of causation.
[Issue 100: January/February 2014: Tallis in Wonderland]

Kant at the Bar: Transcendental Idealism in Daily Life

Patrick Cannon uses a popular setting to explain Kant’s metaphysics.
[Issue 95: March/April 2013: Appearance and Reality]

Lying to Mother Teresa

Derek Harrison deceives a saint, and derives a moral lesson.
[Issue 95: March/April 2013: Articles]

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