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Tag: "applied ethics"

The Ethics of Education in the Secular State

Andrew Copson considers some ethical problems for secular education in a pluralistic world.
[Issue 129: December 2018 / January 2019: A Moral Education]

The Not So Golden Rule

Dan Flores argues that the Golden Rule can’t be followed, even in principle.
[Issue 125: April/May 2018: Articles]

The Golden Rule Revisited

Paul Walker and Ally Walker wonder if the Golden Rule could be a stand-alone ethic.
[Issue 125: April/May 2018: Articles]

Club Bio-Med

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 119: April/May 2017: Editorial]

Are Designer Babies Our Future?

Keith Tidman overhears a prophetic dialogue about the pluses and minuses of genetically engineering children.
[Issue 119: April/May 2017: Bioethics & Medical Ethics]

Eating Stupid Pigs

Marco Kaisth asks, could radical genetic engineering create ethical factory farms?
[Issue 119: April/May 2017: Bioethics & Medical Ethics]

Informing People About Their Genetic Risks

Jan Deckers and Dominic Hall ask whether relatives of patients with a genetic disease should be told that they themselves are at an increased risk.
[Issue 119: April/May 2017: Bioethics & Medical Ethics]

Onora O’Neill (1941-)

by Terence Green
[Issue 119: April/May 2017: Philosophical Haiku]

Doctor-Patient Relationships

Paul Walker ponders the best type of relationship between a doctor and a patient.
[Issue 119: April/May 2017: Bioethics & Medical Ethics]

Henrietta’s Story

Vincent Lotz asks who should have the decisive power over someone’s cells after their death: their family, or the medical community?
[Issue 119: April/May 2017: Bioethics & Medical Ethics]

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