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Tag: "epistemology"

Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder
[Issue 102: May/June 2014: Cartoon]

Kant & Rand on Rationality & Reality

Dana Andreicut tells us about their philosophical differences and similiarities.
[Issue 101: March/April 2014: Articles]

Is a Judge of Knowledge Shipwrecked by the Laughter of the Gods?

Roger McCann tries to identify some of the attributes of knowledge.
[Issue 100: January/February 2014: Articles]

An Answer to Pilate

What is truth? Joel Marks develops a new approach which he calls alethic deism.
[Issue 100: January/February 2014: Articles]

Huxley’s Agnosticism

Van Harvey reflects on Huxley’s and Clifford’s reasons for not believing.
[Issue 99: November/December 2013: Problems of Belief & Unbelief]

Seeing & Believing

Raymond Tallis looks for the missing link between them.
[Issue 99: November/December 2013: Tallis in Wonderland]

Information, Knowledge & Intelligence

Alistair MacFarlane considers the differences between these crucial concepts, and the implications for how we think about computers.
[Issue 98: September/October 2013: Articles]

The Self and Self-Knowledge

Richard Baron inspects different ideas of the self.
[Issue 97: July/August 2013: Books]

Knowledge & Reasons

Joe Cruz gives an evolutionary account of them.
[Issue 96: May/June 2013: Articles]

Fortune-Tellers & Causation

Seán Moran won’t be palmed off by talk of backwards causation.
[Issue 96: May/June 2013: Articles]

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