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Tag: "epistemology"

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by Chris Madden
[Issue 95: March/April 2013: Cartoon]

What Are The Most Important Things To Know?

The following answers to this question of wisdom each win a random book.
[Issue 94: January/February 2013: Question of the Month]

The Laws of Belief by Wolfgang Spohn

Richard Baron forms some beliefs about Wolfgang Spohn’s book.
[Issue 94: January/February 2013: Books]

Picking A Fight With Plato

Ed Fraser argues that the theory of recollection presented by Socrates in the Meno is circular.
[Issue 90: May/June 2012: Plato]

Learning from Words: Testimony as a Source of Knowledge by Jennifer Lackey

David Fraser examines the validity of Jennifer Lackey’s testimony.
[Issue 88: January/February 2012: Books]

Having Trouble With Kant?

Peter Rickman says you’re not the only one.
[Issue 86: September/October 2011: Kant & Co.]

David Hume at 300

Howard Darmstadter looks at the life and legacy of the incendiary tercentenarian.
[Issue 83: March/April 2011: David Hume]

The Question

Sue Rolfe shares her feelings about a theatre installation.
[Issue 81: October/November 2010: Theatre]

On ‘Useless’ Knowledge

William Tam finds uses for philosophy and other ‘useless’ arts.
[Issue 79: June/July 2010: Articles]

The Highest Number In The Universe

Sam Morris gives us a glimpse of his near-infinite wisdom.
[Issue 77: February/March 2010: Fiction]

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