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Tag: "epistemology"

Postmodern Flames In Brazil

Marcos A. Raposo asks if postmodernism can survive science, and vice versa.
[Issue 154: February/March 2023: Society & Reason]

6 Signs You’ve Taken The Blue Pill

Lewis Vaughn tells you how you can know whether you’re a conspiracy theorist.
[Issue 154: February/March 2023: Society & Reason]

Bricolage: Natural Epistemology

D.E. Tarkington picks up ways of gaining truth, with inspiration from Deleuze, Guattari, and other continentals.
[Issue 154: February/March 2023: Society & Reason]

Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder
[Issue 154: February/March 2023: Cartoon]

Cogitating in Cambridge

Seán Moran takes a punt on reality.
[Issue 146: October/November 2021: Street Philosopher]

Tree of Knowledge

by Rick Lewis
[Issue 142: February/March 2021: Editorial]

The Limits of Argument

Howard Darmstadter asks why rational debate doesn’t often change minds.
[Issue 142: February/March 2021: The Tree of Knowledge]

Criticising Science

Martin Kusch and Alexander Reutlinger discuss the ways science is criticised.
[Issue 142: February/March 2021: The Tree of Knowledge]

I Don’t Believe It!

Dene Bebbington presents a couple of bad but popular arguments.
[Issue 142: February/March 2021: The Tree of Knowledge]

Escaping Scepticism with Hegel & Heidegger

Benedict O’Connell asks, must reasoning ultimately rest upon mere assumption?
[Issue 142: February/March 2021: The Tree of Knowledge]

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