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Tag: "ethics"

Moral Education for Digital Natives

Laura D’Olimpio discusses the moral role for teachers of digital denizens.
[Issue 128: October/November 2018: A Moral Education]

Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder
[Issue 128: October/November 2018: Cartoon]

Making Children Moral

In the first part of our mini-series on moral education, Michael Hand considers whether schools should be involved in trying to make children moral.
[Issue 127: August/September 2018: A Moral Education]

What are the Moral Limits of Free Speech and Action?

Each answer below receives a book. Apologies to the many entrants not included.
[Issue 127: August/September 2018: Question of the Month]

Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder
[Issue 127: August/September 2018: Cartoon]

Philosophers At The Dog Auction

How Kim Kavin found herself considering the philosophies of Kant, Mill and Singer at America’s biggest legal dog auction.
[Issue 126: June/July 2018: Articles]

Our Duty to the Dead

Stamatina Liosi enlists the help of Immanuel Kant to discover why we have a duty to treat the dead with dignity.
[Issue 126: June/July 2018: Articles]

Ethics, Knowledge and Truth in Sports Research by Graham McFee

Paul Davis commentates on some philosophy of sports research.
[Issue 126: June/July 2018: Books]

Hannah Arendt and the Human Duty to Think

Shai Tubali considers the roots and implications of Arendt’s active philosophy.
[Issue 125: April/May 2018: Heidegger]

The Golden Rule Revisited

Paul Walker and Ally Walker wonder if the Golden Rule could be a stand-alone ethic.
[Issue 125: April/May 2018: Articles]

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