

Football: From Logos to Telos

Can there be free kicks without free will? Or is there no such thing as a free kick? These are two questions about the philosophy of football not investigated here. Andrew Belsey.
[Issue 3: Summer 1992]


by Nick Colton
[Issue 3: Summer 1992]

Zeno refuted

by Andrew Belsey
[Issue 3: Summer 1992]

Us Poor People

by Mike Fuller
[Issue 2: Winter 1991]

The Mirror’s Own Collapse

A short story by Mike Fuller.
[Issue 2: Winter 1991]

Parenthetic Doubt

A newly discovered fragment of an early work by Descartes.
[Issue 2: Winter 1991]

A Philosophy Lecture from the Good Old Days

Recalled by Andrew Belsey.
[Issue 1: Summer 1991]

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