Issue 132

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Issue 132: June/July 2019


The Impossible Issue

by Anja Steinbauer


News: June/July 2019

Wasp Logic • Euro Robo Rules • Yale scientists playing in God’s domain — News reports by Anja Steinbauer


Meditating with Descartes

Karen Parham asks how close Western philosophy gets to Buddhism.

Some Solid Ideas

Bharatwaj Iyer examines substance with the help of Hume & Vedantic philosophy.

Truth and the True

Joseph Sen on types of knowledge in Western and Indian thought.

Seeing True Nature

John Worthington-Hill explores Buddhist environmental thought.


Hiroshi Satow remains placid in the face of change.

Is Karma a Law of Nature?

It seems Matthew Gindin is destined to ask, and answer, this question.


From Ape to Man & Beyond

Henrik Schoeneberg contends that our next step is to learn to accept ourselves.

Ethics & Uncertainty

Michael Jordan asks how knowledge of circumstances affects our morality.

Awe & Sublimity

Robert Clewis on philosophers and psychologists observing mighty things.

Encounters With The (Post) Sublime

Siobhan Lyons asks where we can find the sublime in the modern world.

Beauty versus Evil

Stuart Greenstreet asks whether we may judge a work to be artistically good even if we know it to be morally evil.

Artificial Consciousness: Our Greatest Ethical Challenge

Paul Conrad Samuelsson takes the perspective of the computer for a change.

Yamamoto Tsunetomo (1659-1719)

Martin Jenkins considers the way of the samurai.

Positively Powerful

Anushka Bhaskar (18) & Anchal Bhaskar (16) are positive about positive thinking.


Mary Warnock (April 14, 1924 - March 20, 2019)

by Tim B-Gray


Joerg Tuske

Anja Steinbauer talks to a philosophy professor in the West who studies classical Indian philosophy.



Remarks Re: Marx • Looking@Locke • Free For All • Wrong Footed On Ought v Is • Making Not Much of a Difference • Ethics of Future Groups • Elements of Spinoza • A Stand on Rand • Artful Dodging • Plumb This


Confucius (c.551-479 BCE)

by Terence Green

A Passage to India

Peter Adamson crosses continents, cultures and concepts.

Secure in Sindh

Seán Moran gets to grips with guards.

About Aboutness

Raymond Tallis has some thoughts about intentionality.


Living with Robots by Paul Dumouchel & Luisa Damiano

Richard Baron wonders what changes in our own thinking it would take to live with sociable robots.

Kant & the Science of Logic by Huaping Lu-Adler

Melissa Merritt considers the logic of Immanuel Kant.

Philosopher at a Film Festival

Thomas E. Wartenberg reports from the 22nd Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival.


Solid Ground

by Clinton Van Inman

The Parable of the Atheist and the Logical Positivist

Michael Langford drops in on the afterlife for an argument about personal identity.


Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder


by Kenneth White

Jon Carter’s Cartoon

by Jon Carter

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