Issue 144: June/July 2021
Modern Times
by Rick Lewis
News: June/July 2021
Two Philosophers’ Prizes • Two Philosophers’ Deaths • One Philosopher’s Birthday — News reports by Anja Steinbauer
Recognition & Protest
Andrew Hyams recognises what fuels protest movements.
The Ethics of Fat Shaming
Charlotte Curran tells us precisely why fat shaming is unethical.
A Stoic Approach to Racism
Frank Thermitus says prepare for the worst to achieve the best.
Is Election Meddling an Act of War?
Elad Uzan argues that although it may well be, this doesn’t necessarily justify a warlike response.
Nonhuman Persons
Gerard Elfstrom asks what such creatures, if they exist, would be like and how much it matters morally.
Abortion & Artificial Wombs
Ji Young Lee and Andrea Bidoli discuss how artificial womb technology will shape the abortion rights discussion.
Deleuze & Guattari’s Friendly Concepts
Karen Parham explores the collection of curious concepts Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari use in their organic perception of reality.
René Descartes: A Yogi?
Sujantra McKeever finds striking similarities between Cartesian and yogic thought.
Reason & Emotion
James R. Robinson finds ways of bridging the gap (or not).
Phenomenology At The Beach
Chad Engelland philosophically analyses the experience of being at the seaside.
Leibniz on Unicorns
Dean Ericksen finds something strange in his cabinet of philosophical curiosities.
C.S. Lewis (1898-1963)
Martin Jenkins gathers his courage, steps through the wardrobe and meets an enchanting professor.
Martin Savransky
Martin Savransky is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London. He works at the intersections of philosophy, postcolonial studies & political ecology. Thiago Pinho talks with him about Pragmatism and the politics of the pluriverse.
The Re-Presentation of Representation • Dazed & Confused by Art & Morality • Thinking About Words • Toil, Leisure & Idealism • Work of Art & Morality • Mortal Remains
Albert Camus (1913-1960)
by Terence Green
Philosophers on Sleeping
by Matt Qvortrup
Evil Overruled
Peter Adamson considers explanations of evil in the context of slavery in nineteenth century America.
Bicycling in Brussels
Seán Moran suspects simple stereotypes.
‘The Laws of Nature’
Raymond Tallis gazes into the gap between nature’s habits and the laws of science.
What is Philosophy For? by Mary Midgley
To philosophy… and beyond! John Shand agrees with Mary Midgley about philosophy’s purpose.
Philosophy in a Technological World: Gods and Titans by James Tartaglia
Kieran Brayford thinks ahead.
The Promise of Artificial Intelligence by Brian Cantwell Smith
Joshua Schrier asks whether artificial real intelligence is possible.
Brian McCusker looks and leaps into Casablanca with Søren Kierkegaard.
The War with the Insectoids
Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues and Ricardo Tavares find good intentions leading in the wrong direction.
John Stuart Mill
by Brandon Robshaw
Harley Schwadron’s Cartoon (1)
by Harley Schwadron
Harley Schwadron’s Cartoon (2)
by Harley Schwadron
Guto Dias’ Cartoon
by Guto Dias
Wolfgang Niesielski’s Cartoon
by Wolfgang Niesielski
Chris Gill’s Cartoon
by Chris Gill
Simon & Finn
by Melissa Felder