Tag: "computers and AI"
Black Mirror Reflections
Terri Murray illustrates Marcuse’s critique of technologised society using an episode of the British TV series Black Mirror.
[Issue 97: July/August 2013: Television]
Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)
Alistair MacFarlane on how a poet’s daughter invented the concept of software.
[Issue 96: May/June 2013: Brief Lives]
The Art of World-Making
Mikhail Epstein sees a bright future for metaphysics in the hi-tech age.
[Issue 95: March/April 2013: Appearance and Reality]
The Minds of Machines
Namit Arora considers the complexity of consciousness and its implications for artificial intelligence.
[Issue 87: November/December 2011: Brains & Minds]
The Singularity Is Near by Ray Kurzweil
James Williams has a singularily good time.
[Issue 86: September/October 2011: Books]
Mathematics, Morality & Machines
William Byers, mathematician, and Michael Schleifer, moral theorist, use their judgement to calculate the improbability of a machine thinking like a human being.
[Issue 78: April/May 2010: Articles]
The Conscience Of The Machine
by Wendell Wallach
[Issue 72: March/April 2009: Editorial]
The Challenge of Moral Machines
Wendell Wallach tells us what the basic problems are.
[Issue 72: March/April 2009: Machine Morality]
Will Robots Need Their Own Ethics?
Steve Torrance asks if robots need minds to be moral producers or moral consumers.
[Issue 72: March/April 2009: Machine Morality]
Four Kinds of Ethical Robots
James H. Moor defines different ways in which machines could be moral.
[Issue 72: March/April 2009: Machine Morality]
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