Tag: "computers and AI"
Androids At The Cinema
Alessandro Colarossi looks at how Hollywood draws and blurs the line between human and machine.
[Issue 149: April/May 2022: Films]
Phil Witte’s Cartoon (1)
by Phil Witte
[Issue 148: February/March 2022: Cartoon]
The Promise of Artificial Intelligence by Brian Cantwell Smith
Joshua Schrier asks whether artificial real intelligence is possible.
[Issue 144: June/July 2021: Books]
The Limits of Computation
Apostolos Syropoulos goes back to BASICs to consider whether the human brain is a computer.
[Issue 142: February/March 2021: The Tree of Knowledge]
Homo informaticus
Luc de Brabandere lets us sail with him along the two great rivers of thought that have flowed down the centuries from ancient philosophy into modern computer science, from Plato and Aristotle to Alan Turing and Claude Shannon.
[Issue 141: December 2020 / January 2021: Articles]
The Shock of Things to Come
by Rick Lewis
[Issue 139: August/September 2020: Editorial]
Pascal’s Artificial Intelligence Wager
Derek Leben computes the risks of general AI.
[Issue 139: August/September 2020: Future Shocks]
Robot Rules!
Brett Wilson judges the case for laws for robots.
[Issue 139: August/September 2020: Future Shocks]
The Battle for the Robot Soul
James K. Wight looks at how cultures define our views of machines.
[Issue 139: August/September 2020: Future Shocks]
Phil Witte’s Cartoon
by Phil Witte
[Issue 139: August/September 2020: Cartoon]
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