
General Articles

Calling Time

Anthony Proctor asks: Are we on time? Do we have time? What is time?
[Issue 152: October/November 2022]

The Phenomenology of Time in Memento

Becca Turcotte looks at some aspects of our experience of time, as revealed by a temporally-challenging movie.
[Issue 152: October/November 2022]

Michel Foucault (1926-84)

Roy Williams analyses a notorious yet influential post-modern philosophe.
[Issue 152: October/November 2022]

Levinas and Post-Pandemic Masking

Adam Birt tells us why Levinas wants us to throw off our face coverings.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]

How To Be Really Good

Robert Griffiths considers what it takes to actually be a mensch.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]

Mill, Free Speech & Social Media

Nevin Chellappah asks whether John Stuart Mill’s famous account of free speech is still sustainable in the age of Twitter.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]

Digital Freedom

Roberta Fischli & Thomas Beschorner argue that our digital future is not preprogrammed: it’s about time we start thinking about what it should look like.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]

Was Spinoza Actually An Atheist?

Kenneth Novis says the case hinges on how you define ‘God’.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]

Daisetsu Suzuki (1870-1966)

Brian Morris contemplates the ‘ultimate reality’ of a Zen Buddhist philosopher.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]

How Do You Change Someone’s Mind?

Each answer below receives a book. Apologies to the entrants not included.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022]

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