
General Articles

How Will Humanity End?

Each answer below receives a book. Apologies to the many entrants not included.
[Issue 157: August/September 2023]

Back to the Sophists

Nana Ariel corrects the record and the modern application of Sophistry.
[Issue 156: June/July 2023]

Will the Real John Locke Please Step Forward?

Hilarius Bogbinder shows how Locke’s intellectual identity changed over time.
[Issue 156: June/July 2023]

On Being One With Nature

Niki Young tells us how we (humans) can look at our relationship with Nature in a way that neither alienates us from it nor indistinguishably absorbs us into it.
[Issue 156: June/July 2023]

Nima Adlerblum (1881-1974)

Brad Rappaport looks at the life of a Jewish philosopher combatting the secular forces of modernism.
[Issue 156: June/July 2023]

Hap & Happiness

Stephen Anderson meditates on misfortune and meaning.
[Issue 155: April/May 2023]

Hannah Arendt: On the Spectre of Nuclear War

Maurits de Jongh finds our contemporary situation reflected in earlier states.
[Issue 155: April/May 2023]

The Urgency of Art

Sam McAuliffe thinks that art offers another way of thinking.
[Issue 155: April/May 2023]

Chamfort (1740-1794)

Martin Jenkins looks at the life of a wry observer of society, cut short by that society’s revolutionary turmoil.
[Issue 155: April/May 2023]

What Is Time?

Each answer below receives a book. Apologies to the many entrants not included.
[Issue 155: April/May 2023]

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