
General Articles

Anselm (1033-1109)

Martin Jenkins recalls the being of the creator of the ontological argument.
[Issue 164: October/November 2024]

Stoics in Need of Anger Management

David Ashton finds that the Stoic view of anger needs updating.
[Issue 163: August/September 2024]

Authenticity & Absurdity

Paul Doolan tries to tell them apart.
[Issue 163: August/September 2024]

Doughnut Economics

David Howard on restoring balance to an unstable world.
[Issue 163: August/September 2024]

Sholem Asch (1880-1957)

Brad Rappaport considers a very philosophical novelist.
[Issue 163: August/September 2024]

What Philosophy Book Should Be Required Reading?

Our readers give their thoughts, each winning a random book to read.
[Issue 163: August/September 2024]

From Postmodernism to Metamodernism

Christina Aziz asks whether metanarratives still matter, and if so, how.
[Issue 162: June/July 2024]

Abelard & Carneades: Yes & No

Frank Breslin says ‘yes and no’ to presenting both sides of an argument.
[Issue 162: June/July 2024]

Reality, Humanity & AI

Nafees Malik surveys our quest for truth, and asks if AI can help us discover more.
[Issue 162: June/July 2024]

Is Driving Fossil-Fuelled Cars Immoral?

Rufus Duits asks when we can justify driving our carbon contributors.
[Issue 162: June/July 2024]

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