Issue 116: October/November 2016
Envisioning Society
by Grant Bartley and Rick Lewis
Russell Revels Rock Rochester
Aristotle’s Philosophy of Equality, Peace, & Democracy
Matt Qvortrup argues that Aristotle’s political philosophy is surprisingly modern.
Aesthetic Democracy
Mihail Evans studies art to understand politics.
The Social Contract: A License to Steal
Stephen Faison cross-examines the idea of a social contract.
Martin Buber & Leo Tolstoy: Two Examples of Spiritual Anarchism
Patrick Cannon articulates an alternative anarchism.
Informed Voting
Lorenzo Capitani is in favour of government through knowledge not ignorance.
Is An Ageing Population Our Natural Fate?
Nguyen Ba Thanh wonders if death by old age is civilisation’s destiny.
What Would Georges Bataille Do?
Alexandra Tzirkoti reckons he might have made a great agony uncle.
Could There Be A Solution To The Trolley Problem?
Omid Panahi finds that finding a solution is not the problem.
Will We Ever Philosophise With E.T.?
Malcolm E. Brown & Steve Hubbard argue that it’s unlikely.
A Golden Manifesto
Mary Midgley remembers a golden age of female philosophy, and argues that it holds lessons for today.
Gottlob Frege (1848-1925)
Alistair MacFarlane laments the profound disappointment of a master of logic.
Stanley Fish
Stanley Fish is an American literary theorist, legal scholar, and public intellectual. Scott Parker asks him about a particular kind of community.
Existentialist Epistles • Dismay About Drugs • An Organic Cause of Complaint • Cutting Critiques • Consequentialist Correspondence • Science versus Scientism • The Last Straw • Baseball Mystery
Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
by Terence Green
Out of Europe
Peter Adamson wants us to recategorise philosophies.
Bilateral Benevolence
Seán Moran feels a warm glow on the streets of Dublin.
On The Meaning(s) Of Life
Raymond Tallis searches for meaning, and finds several.
Anti-Education by Friedrich Nietzsche
Daniel Telech reviews Nietzsche’s startling opinions on the aims of education.
Empathy & Morality
Stephen Anderson asks if empathy helps us feel the Good or just feel good.
Symbolic Misery: Volume 1: The Hyperindustrial Epoch by Bernard Stiegler
Daniel Tutt learns the art of winning an aesthetic war.
Breaking Bad
Psychologist Joe MacDonagh and philosopher Sheridan Hough each watch what happens when society breaks.
The Law Pebble
William Simpson watches a small society suffer a small catastrophe.
Bill Stott’s Cartoon
by Bill Stott
Chris Madden’s Cartoon
by Chris Madden
Simon & Finn
by Melissa Felder