Issue 122

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Issue 122: October/November 2017


Socrates & Plato Now & Then

by Grant Bartley


News: October/November 2017

Philosophic Park: Beware of Intellectual Dinosaurs! • Robot Council jerks into motion • Scientists tamper with the stuff of life (again) — News reports by Anja Steinbauer


Rediscovering Plato’s Vision

Mark Vernon sees Plato in an old light.

Socrates, Memory & The Internet

Matt Bluemink uses a Socratic argument to assess the influence of the net on our brains and our minds.

Embracing Imperfection: Plato vs Nussbaum On Love

Lillian Wilde contemplates what love means.

Socrates & Pre-Truth Politics

Spencer Klavan proclaims Socrates’ revolutionary answer to Nietzsche and Trump.

Would Plato Allow Facebook In His Republic?

Jenni Jenkins argues, probably not.


How Cubism Tried To Create A New Language

Stuart Greenstreet wonders why Cubist communication failed to catch on.

Democracy & the Unreasonable: Lessons from Rawls

Francisco Mejia Uribe asks if democracy can overcome fundamentalism.

To Connect Or Not To Connect?

Dana Andreicut wonders whether, or not, to escape into the Matrix.

The Experience Machine and Psychiatric Drugs

Emil Asplund & Erik Gustavsson try to find the truth about medication.

Robert Pirsig & His Metaphysics of Quality

Anthony McWatt explores the philosophical ideas underlying the culture-changing 1970s blockbuster Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

Michael Oakeshott (1901-1990)

Alistair MacFarlane considers the modes of life of a conservative philosopher.


Slavoj Žižek

In a London café, Anja Steinbauer chats with the philosopher who invented the word ‘idiosyncratic’.



Conscious Correspondence • Sceptical About Skepticism • No Madness in Philosophy Now • Dissonance Dissidence • Time & Time Again • Epistemically Essential Epistles


Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797)

by Terence Green

Who Speaks For Socrates?

Peter Adamson finds Socrates speaking for everyone else.

Pugnacious In The Punjab

Seán Moran considers holy war in Lahore.

Time, Reciprocal Containment, & The Ouroboros

Raymond Tallis tries to fit everything in, in time.


The Monk and the Philosopher by Jean-François Revel & Matthieu Ricard

Lachlan Dale explores some of the philosophical implications of Tibetan Buddhism.

Ecological Ethics by Patrick Curry

Vincent Di Norcia looks at various approaches to ecological ethics.


Terri Murray scrutinises a feminist film about a woman who desires her rapist. Warning: SPOILERS


The Reverse Solipsist

Ray Liikanen overhears a modern-day Socratic dialogue.


Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder

Chris Gill’s Cartoon

by Chris Gill

Cameron Harvey’s Cartoon

by Cameron Harvey

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