

Results 111 to 120 of 533 for "film" (0.613 seconds)

Eating Your Brain: 21st-Century Zombies

Rebecca Housel on terrorism, evil and Hannah Arendt.
[Issue 96: May/June 2013: Zombies & Philosophy: 6 matches]

The Shawshank Redemption

Alexander Hooke finds hell & existentialist hope in prison.
[Issue 102: May/June 2014: Films: 6 matches]

News: March/April 2005

French Philo Savaged • Nature vs Nurture in Birds • Iris Murdoch Throws Light on Alzheimers’ • Pentagon Tried to Build ‘Love Bomb’ — News reports by Sue Roberts in London and Lisa Sangoi in New York
[Issue 50: March/April 2005: News: 6 matches]


Susan Hopkins isn’t clueless about feminism’s Nietzsche.
[Issue 109: August/September 2015: Films: 5 matches]

The Last Supper

Terri Murray watches a liberal death squad in operation. (Warning: Contains spoilers!)
[Issue 114: June/July 2016: Films: 5 matches]

Zombie Movie Morals (II)

Sarah Stone draws lessons about leadership.
[Issue 96: May/June 2013: Films: 5 matches]

The Big Lebowski

Matt Qvortrup contemplates Dude philosophy.
[Issue 123: December 2017 / January 2018: Films: 5 matches]

I ♥ Huckabees

John Snider ponders time, space and Shania Twain in this review of I ♥ Huckabees.
[Issue 51: June/July 2005: Films: 5 matches]


Stefan Bolea takes us on a tour of European nihilism.
[Issue 91: July/August 2012: Films: 5 matches]


Chris Ferbrache wonders why zombie movies have remained so popular for almost a century.
[Issue 137: April/May 2020: Films: 5 matches]

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