

Results 101 to 110 of 522 for "film" (0.841 seconds)

Eating Your Brain: 21st-Century Zombies

Rebecca Housel on terrorism, evil and Hannah Arendt.
[Issue 96: May/June 2013: Zombies & Philosophy: 6 matches]

Analogies, Slippery Slopes & the Prohibition of Cannabis

Robert Davies applies some critical thinking to an old debate.
[Issue 51: June/July 2005: Logic: 6 matches]

Don’t Look Up

Dylan Skurka marvels at the human capacity to ignore existential threats.
[Issue 151: August/September 2022: Films: 6 matches]

News: March/April 2005

French Philo Savaged • Nature vs Nurture in Birds • Iris Murdoch Throws Light on Alzheimers’ • Pentagon Tried to Build ‘Love Bomb’ — News reports by Sue Roberts in London and Lisa Sangoi in New York
[Issue 50: March/April 2005: News: 6 matches]

13 Conversations About One Thing

James Okapal has 13 open questions about happiness.
[Issue 87: November/December 2011: Films: 6 matches]

Marshall McLuhan on the Mobile Phone

Peter Benson sees a prophet’s message come to fulfilment through net and cell.
[Issue 87: November/December 2011: Articles: 6 matches]


Our new film columnist has discovered an exciting new type of movie: there’s no screen and the parts are played by live actors, in real time. Thomas Wartenberg reports on the play Copenhagen by Michael Frayn.
[Issue 28: August/September 2000: Theatre: 6 matches]

Thinking Comics with Danny Fingeroth

John Shelton Lawrence asks analyser of comics and the former editor of the Spider-Man range of titles what makes a superhero, philosophically speaking.
[Issue 73: May/June 2009: Comics: 6 matches]

Zombie Movie Morals (II)

Sarah Stone draws lessons about leadership.
[Issue 96: May/June 2013: Films: 5 matches]


Susan Hopkins isn’t clueless about feminism’s Nietzsche.
[Issue 109: August/September 2015: Films: 5 matches]

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