Issue 109: August/September 2015
Ought-ology? Science & Ethics
by Rick Lewis
News: August/September 2015
Philosophy benefits children’s education • Dalai Lama: “Ethics more important than religion” • Morality for chimpanzees and robots — News reports by Anja Steinbauer
Science & Philosophy: A Beautiful Friendship
Amy Cools reminds us why science needs philosophy.
Einstein’s Morality
Ching-Hung Woo looks at the many facets of Albert Einstein’s approach to ethics.
The Prisoner’s Dilemma and The Evolution of Morality
Brian King seeks the possible evolution of morality through computer simulations.
When Paths Diverge
Jason Xenopoulos asks if accelerating technological change and the widening gap between rich and poor mean an imminent evolutionary divergence for humanity.
Analytic Philosophy, Continental Literature?
Marc Champagne argues that the supposedly ’professional’ style of the analytic tradition does not ensure professionalism, nor indeed, clear-mindedness.
Bushfire, Logic & Ambrose Bierce
David Ward probes the application of philosophy to Australian bushfire.
In Defense of Alain Badiou
Robert Michael Ruehl describes new political possibilities.
Atheism on Trial
Stephen Anderson sternly judges a cause célèbre.
The Dominant Narratives of Future Societies
Ernest Dempsey on what sci fi stories say about the stories controlling our lives.
Nelson Goodman (1906-1998)
Alistair MacFarlane contemplates a philosopher who spoke the languages of art.
The Meaning of Art • A Dance to the Music of Thought • Philosophy and the Greater Good • Talking Straight About Ray Tallis • Seeds of Dissent • Je Suis Vraiment Libéral
Temporal Thoughts About Eternity
Raymond Tallis takes time to think beyond time.
Plato’s Cratylus: The Comedy of Language by S.M. Ewegen
Roger Caldwell talks about Plato’s views on language.
Tinker Thinkers by Susan Gardner & Amy Leask
Jana Mohr Lone teaches children to argue.
Susan Hopkins isn’t clueless about feminism’s Nietzsche.
The Landing Party
Grant Bartley observes a party that goes a little too far.
Transparent Government
by Steve Delmonte
Simon & Finn
by Melissa Felder
You Are Here
by Chris Madden
Bill Stott’s Cartoon
by Bill Stott