Issue 119: April/May 2017
Club Bio-Med
by Rick Lewis
News: April/May 2017
Tom Regan, who made case for animal rights, dead at 78 • App developer says Everything is Philosophy • Bright kids “no more moral” — News reports by Anja Steinbauer
Are Designer Babies Our Future?
Keith Tidman overhears a prophetic dialogue about the pluses and minuses of genetically engineering children.
Eating Stupid Pigs
Marco Kaisth asks, could radical genetic engineering create ethical factory farms?
Informing People About Their Genetic Risks
Jan Deckers and Dominic Hall ask whether relatives of patients with a genetic disease should be told that they themselves are at an increased risk.
Can We Trust Medical Science?
Simon Kolstoe says that all is not well with medicine.
Doctor-Patient Relationships
Paul Walker ponders the best type of relationship between a doctor and a patient.
Henrietta’s Story
Vincent Lotz asks who should have the decisive power over someone’s cells after their death: their family, or the medical community?
Children, Intuitive Knowledge & Philosophy
Maria daVenza Tillmanns argues that teaching children to think must involve more than simply teaching them cognitive skills.
Can The Multiverse Give You An Afterlife?
Rui Vieira says yes it can, of sorts.
The Sound of Philosophy
James Tartaglia asks whether philosophy and music should intersect.
Singing In Choirs: An Existential View
Sara Clethero says, once more with authenticity.
How I Solved Hume’s Problem and Why Nobody Will Believe Me
Eugene Earnshaw saves Western philosophy.
David Hume (1711-1776)
Alistair MacFarlane treats of the life of a great Scot.
What Is The Future Of Humanity?
The following philosophical forecasts of our fate each win an unforeseeable book.
Derek Parfit (1942-2017)
Jeff McMahan says farewell to a friend.
The Wrongs & Rights of Rights • Now Here This, Man • Terrestrial Communications • Insider Insight
Onora O’Neill (1941-)
by Terence Green
The Elusiveness of Memory
Raymond Tallis talks about um… err…
Collected Essays on Philosophers by Colin Wilson
Vaughan Rapatahana considers what Colin Wilson had to say about other philosophers.
Ten Neglected Classics of Philosophy
Mark Dunbar reflects on what makes a book a classic.
Where Have All The Intellectuals Gone? by Frank Furedi
Neil Richardson laments a surplus of generalities.
Dharmender Dhillon views this Guy Ritchie film through Buddhist and Nietzschean lenses.
On Sympathy: A Dream Dialogue
Robert R. Clewis dreams about sympathy.
Simon & Finn
by Melissa Felder
Tim Oliphant’s Cartoon
by Tim Oliphant
You Are Here
by Chris Madden
Bill and Rob Thomas’s Cartoon
by Bill Thomas and Rob Thomas