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Plato’s New Cave

by Clinton Van Inman

Of course the rooms are filled with shadows
While laser lights and computer programs prove
More cost-effective than fire,
But the cardboard cut-outs and the curtains
Have remained the same;
As well as those old lies that trees are real;
That the way out really goes somewhere;
That math leads more than in circles,
And that the Wizard himself is behind the curtains,
Keeping the whole domino world from collapsing.
Yet only a few poets and down-and-outers dare climb
The arduous way out, as most prefer
To sit and talk about food and sports.

© Clinton Van Inman 2018

Clinton Van Inman was born in England, raised in North Carolina, graduated SDSU with a degree in philosophy, and is now retired and living in Florida with his wife Elba.

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