Issue 128

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Issue 128: October/November 2018


Creature Discomforts

by “Adam


News: October/November 2018

China hosts vast World Congress • Johns Hopkins philosophy department prepares to throw big party • Causality starts to look wobbly — News reports by Anja Steinbauer


Frankenstein Lives!

Tim Madigan considers the core philosophical themes of the long-lived novel.

Mary Shelley, Frankenstein & Moral Philosophy

Raymond Boisvert explores prominent ethical facets of Frankenstein.

Moral Blind Spots

Gerald Jones discusses how we judge the past, how we will one day be judged, and what we can do about it.


Moral Education for Digital Natives

Laura D’Olimpio discusses the moral role for teachers of digital denizens.

Why Is There A World?

Carlo Filice wonders why a god would bother to create a world.

What Makes A Philosopher?

Siobhan Lyons hunts down a philosopher’s essential ingredients.

A Brief Explanation of Anarchism

Mary Shelley’s father, political philosopher William Godwin, was the first modern exponent of anarchism. In his honour, Nick Gutierrez states the stateless ideal.

Does Western Philosophy Have Egyptian Roots?

Peter Flegel highlights possible connections between early Greek philosophy and the ideas of the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt.

Abortion & Phenomenology

Michael Kowalik considers a possible implication of abortion for self-awareness.

Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797)

Sandrine Bergès considers the too short wanderings of a political philosopher.

Learning To Love Our Teachers

Anushka Bhaskar (18) and Zachary Cerniglia (19) consider the importance of gratitude for education.


Kathryn Harkup

Tim Madigan meets the author of Making the Monster: The Science Behind Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.



Peeling Off The Labels • Barking Up The Wrong Dogma • Derrida Sometimes Makes Sense • Fifty Shades of Truth • Reviewer Brought to Book • The Good Friends of Bad Company • Not Believing or Believing Not • Further Physicalist Philosophy Fights


John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

by Terence Green

A Vindication of A Vindication

Peter Adamson asks what Mary Wollstonecraft wanted.

Instrumental In Iraq

Seán Moran blows the whistle on Plato’s flautophobia.


Raymond Tallis tells us how (not) to live forever.


To Be Born: Genesis of a New Human Being by Luce Irigaray

Dharmender Dhillon muses on Luce Irigaray’s best way to make an individual.

Judged by Ziyad Marar

Alexander Hooke judges a book about being judged.

Philosophy For Non-Philosophers by Louis Althusser

Neil Richardson philosophises on what Louis Althusser has to say to non-philosophers.

Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein

David White takes a long strange trip with Jerry Garcia to watch Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein.


At the Existentialist Park

Douglas Groothuis reports an unexpected meeting of minds.


Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder

Phil Witte’s Cartoon

by Phil Witte

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