Issue 143: April/May 2021
Art & Soul
by Rick Lewis
News: April/May 2021
Milgram II: The Horror Returns • Laroui Only Lives Thrice • Do Martian Microbes Have Rights? — News reports by Anja Steinbauer
Art & Morality: A Bittersweet Symphony
Jessica Logue conducts an investigation into their relationship.
Pact or Artifact?
Greg Stone offers a contractual definition of art, among other artful ideas.
The Not So Benign World of Photography
Atika Qasim questions her own, and others’, motives for taking photos.
From Conceptual Art to Social Art
Peter Benson watches this ‘art movement’ with raised eyebrows.
The Moore the Merrier
Gary Cox opens up G.E. Moore’s ethics, and his open question argument.
A Philosophical Autobiography
Robin Wynyard reflects on his philosophical journey, and how this has influenced his thoughts about ageing.
Truth & Alienation In a Covid World
Alex Duell explores how the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent shift to life online has contributed to human alienation from nature.
Camus, The Plague and Us
Ray Boisvert on Albert Camus, Thomas Merton and a call to be a healer in a crisis.
Flash Philosophy
M.G. Piety quickly considers condensed contemplation.
The Last Will and Testament of Donatien-Alphonse-François Sade, Man of Letters
The Marquis De Sade’s actual will, translated into English by R J Dent.
Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)
Hilarius Bogbinder thinks about a political theorist who saw action as good thought.
What is Freedom?
Each answer below receives a book. Apologies to the entrants not included.
Peter Adamson
Peter Adamson is Professor of Late Ancient and Arabic Philosophy at the LMU in Munich, and a Philosophy Now columnist too. Amirali Maleki talks with him about Islamic philosophy.
Believe It Or Not • Reading The Signs • Neither Idle Nor Anxious • Time After Time • Free Illusions? • Unjust Causes? • Cold Compassion? • Full-of-Mindness • Let’s Rock
John Ruskin (1819-1900)
by Terence Green
Philosophers on Hope
by Matt Qvortrup
Thinking About Thinking
Raymond Tallis reflexes his mind muscle.
A Social Theory of Freedom by Mariam Thalos
We dive into the crosscurrents of society and identity, as Matt Teichman is captured by an idea of freedom.
Cynical Theories by James Lindsay & Helen Pluckrose
Stephen Anderson takes Social Justice Warriors to philosophical task.
Disobey! by Frédéric Gros
Tim Moxham urges us to disobey!
Sci Fi & The Meaning of Life
Shai Tubali sees how non-human minds mirror our condition back to us. [CONTAINS SPOILERS!]
Friedrich Nietzsche’s Coffee Morning
Stephen McKenzie records a (mostly) friendly meeting between Friedrich Nietzsche, Khalil Gibran and Diotima of Mantinea.
A Day by the Stream with Heraclitus
by Sarah Rochelle
Jon Carter’s Cartoon (1)
by Jon Carter
Simon & Finn
by Melissa Felder
Chris Madden’s Cartoon
by Chris Madden
Guto Dias’ Cartoon
by Guto Dias
Mike Shiell’s Cartoon
by Mike Shiell
Jon Carter’s Cartoon (2)
by Jon Carter