Issue 104

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Issue 104: September/October 2014


Step Out of My Sunlight!

by Anja Steinbauer


News: September/October 2014

Terror group labels philosophy “ungodly” • Hawking warns of end of universe • Ethics panel debates ebola response — News reports by Sue Roberts, Anja Steinbauer and Matthew Wills


Philosophy’s Roots and Branches

Will Bouwman on how Thales, Anaximander, Pythagoras, Parmenides & Zeno established empiricism, maths & logic as dominant features of Western thinking.

Democritus: Empirical Rationalist

Chris Christensen argues that two basic philosophical opposites were harmoniously united in the thought of Democritus (460-370 BC).

Ataraxia in the Age of Too Much Information

Eric Scheske considers the link between Pyrrho of Elis and internet culture.

How To Be A Cynic

Roger Caldwell contemplates the life and thinking of Diogenes the Dog.

Epicurus & Job

Benjamin Kerstein explores an ancient faultline in Western thinking and modern culture by comparing the philosophies of Epicurus and Job.


Nietzsche on Love

Willow Verkerk considers what Nietzsche has to teach us about love.

Artifact Liberation

Bill Capra considers the controversial argument that things have rights.

The Morality Machine

Phil Badger considers what it would take to make truly justifiable moral decisions.

Climate Science & Falsifiability

Richard Lawson shows how Karl Popper can help settle the climate debate.

Sceptical Hypotheses and Transcendental Arguments

Jonathan Barfield presents a way to beat the sceptics.

Obscurantism & The Language of Excess

Siobhan Lyons tries not to use either to explain what and why they are.

Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814)

Matt Qvortrup on the cosmopolitan idealist who became the misunderstood father of German nationalism.



Some(non)thing To Say • Fooling Yourself Rationally • Better Consequences • Attack & Defence • Do Not Pass Go • Vegetable Matters • Thinking Mathematically • Scientific Separations • Marxist Critiques


Ideas and Scholarship in Philosophy

Raymond Tallis asks: does it matter who said what?


Philosophy and the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, edited by Nicholas Joll

Massimo Pigliucci finds his way around Philosophy and the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

The Conscious Brain by Jesse J. Prinz

Sam Clarke ponders The Conscious Brain.

Truth By Analysis by Colin McGinn

Richard Baron analyses Truth by Analysis.

Reflections on the Death of Celluloid

Thomas Wartenberg looks at philosophy literally on film.


You Are Here

by Chris Madden

Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder


Democritus’s Cone

by Sarah Adams

Gerry’s Paradox

Frank O’Carroll tells of an athlete who had a run-in with Zeno.

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