Issue 115: August/September 2016
You Always Have a Choice!
Given the current fashion for referendums Rick Lewis has decided to offer you a choice of editorials. Pick wisely!
News: August/September 2016
Self-Driving Car Studies Cast Light on Attitudes to Ethics • Nussbaum Wins Prize • Heidegger Has A New Book Out — News reports by Anja Steinbauer
On Being An Existentialist
Stuart Greenstreet chooses to tell us how to become authentically existentialist.
Authenticity & Treatment For Depression
Alisa Anokhina on how the quest for authenticity can help in treating depression.
Is Kierkegaard Still Relevant Today?
Lucian Lupescu says the disputatious Dane dares us to live.
Simone’s Existentialist Ethics
Anja Steinbauer on Simone de Beauvoir’s Ethics of Ambiguity.
Existentialism as Punk Philosophy
Stuart Hanscomb argues that existentialism is punk philosophy par excellence.
The Absurd Heroics of Monsieur Meursault
Alex Holzman asks what a hero is, and if Camus’ infamous character qualifies.
Why Camus Was Not An Existentialist
Greg Stone presents the evidence.
“all the consequences of this”
Kile Jones argues that atheistic existentialism is more compelling than religious existentialism.
Facts & Opinions
Christoffer Lammer-Heindel tells us some important facts about them.
Bad Arguments That Make You Smarter
Henrik Schoeneberg gets smart about fallacious reasoning.
The Philosophy Professor & The Holy Book of Baseball
Chris Christensen tells a story of contradictory rules and faith broken and restored.
Science, Ockham’s Razor & God
David Glass and Mark McCartney say Ockham’s razor doesn’t cut it with God.
The Consequences of Accepting Consequentialism
Katy Baker on the demands of consequentialist theories of morality.
Thinkers Against Xenophobia: How To Deal with Pride and Prejudice
by Anja Steinbauer
Xunzi (c.320-235 BCE)
Dale DeBakcsy thinks diligently about Xunzi’s psychological Confucianism.
Is Morality Objective?
The following answers to this key philosophical question each win a random book.
The Reflective Turn • Scientific Limits • More Women In Philosophy • Reality’s Limits • Liberal Conservatism • More Philosophy Now Slip-Ups
Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
by Terence Green
Time & Change
Take the time to allow Raymond Tallis to change your view on time and change. Or leave it unchanged.
Modality & Explanatory Reasoning by Boris Kment
Richard Baron explains modal reasoning.
The Making of An Atheist by Jason Spiegel
Matt DeStefano is unswayed by an argument explaining atheism by immorality.
Berkeley’s Puzzle by John Campbell & Quassim Cassam
Nick Everitt experiences views on the nature of experiences that don’t yield knowledge.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Jason Eberl and Kevin Decker awaken the philosophy of the Force.
Inadequate Options in Adequate Space
Kevin Robson’s existential hero finds that you can’t escape having to choose.
Simon & Finn
by Melissa Felder
Cameron Harvey’s Cartoon
by Cameron Harvey
Bill Stott’s Cartoon
by Bill Stott