Issue 142: February/March 2021
Tree of Knowledge
by Rick Lewis
News: February/March 2021
Time travel “possible without paradoxes&rduqo; • Legal ethics pioneer dies • Germany bans slaughter of male chicks — News reports by Anja Steinbauer
The Limits of Argument
Howard Darmstadter asks why rational debate doesn’t often change minds.
Criticising Science
Martin Kusch and Alexander Reutlinger discuss the ways science is criticised.
I Don’t Believe It!
Dene Bebbington presents a couple of bad but popular arguments.
Escaping Scepticism with Hegel & Heidegger
Benedict O’Connell asks, must reasoning ultimately rest upon mere assumption?
Elements of Truth
Michael Baumann lists eight essential questions for judging the reliability of information.
The Limits of Computation
Apostolos Syropoulos goes back to BASICs to consider whether the human brain is a computer.
The View From Somewhere Else
Andy Owen travels to see various perspectives from various perspectives.
Anxious Idleness
Why are we incapable of guilt-free leisure? Jacob Snyder says, blame John Locke!
Further Animal Liberation
John Tamilio III augments the arguments of Peter Singer.
How to Look at Facebook
Devon Bombassei considers the irony of our ‘liberation’ in the digital age.
Plato (427-347 BC)
William Dante Deacon looks at the life of a founding father of Western philosophy.
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner is a philosophy professor at John Cabot University in Rome, and Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Posthuman Studies. His most recent book, On Transhumanism, was recently published by Penn State University Press. He chats about transhumanism with Roberto Manzocco.
I See I • Mary Midgley, Human Being • Inveigled by Hegel? • Technology vs Progress • Mathematics vs Pascal • No Capital Letter • (No) Opium for the Masses? • Eradicating Vulnerabilities • No Christianity & Homosexuality
George Berkeley (1685-1753)
by Terence Green
Philosophers on Buildings
by Matt Qvortrup
The Missing Link
Peter Adamson perceives absences in Indian epistemology.
Floating Over Fallowfield
Seán Moran takes a bird’s-eye view of risk.
Perception & Reality
Raymond Tallis perceives a difference between them.
Why We Are in Need of Tails by Maria daVenza Tillmanns
Philosophy is child’s play this issue, as Sergey Borisov explores the existential need for commitment using tails.
Philosophy Friends! by Francisco Mejia Uribe
Max Rocky Zelcer and Mark Zelcer review five short childrens’ books starring their Philosophy Friends!
Cuties (Mignonnes)
Majalli Fatah rips apart a so-called ‘feminist’ critique of an uncomfortable feminist film.
The Tragedy and the Paradox of Greek Civilization
by Vincent Kavaloski
The Real Thing
Raul Casso takes Reality 101.
Harley Schwadron’s Cartoon (1)
by Harley Schwadron
Harley Schwadron’s Cartoon (2)
by Harley Schwadron
Chris Gill’s Cartoon (1)
by Chris Gill
Scepticism & Idealism
by Bill Stott
Phil Witte’s Cartoon
by Phil Witte
Chris Gill’s Cartoon (2)
by Chris Gill