Issue 108

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Issue 108: June/July 2015


Angles on Art

by Grant Bartley


News: June/July 2015

Is a chimpanzee a person? • Is an android a person? • Editing the human germline — News reports by Anja Steinbauer


Art As An Encounter

Daniel Vargas Gómez considers what we encounter when we encounter art.

The Hard Case of Duchamp’s Fountain

Launt Thompson argues that some popular trends in art criticism are fallacies.

The Afterlives of Modernism

Siobhan Lyons argues that modernist artistic values of sincere self-expression are culturally reasserting themselves.

Music in Philosophy

Ralph Blumenau tells us what great thinkers said about great music.


Herder, Humboldt, Heidegger: Language As World-Disclosure

Audrey Borowski follows the twists of a German Romantic linguistic turn.

Descartes versus Cudworth On The Moral Worth of Animals

Samuel Kaldas compares two views on the nature of animals and their implications for our moral responsibility towards them.

Can The World Learn Wisdom?

Nicholas Maxwell points out where the Enlightenment went wrong.

Long Distance Wisdom

Rick Lewis on the joys of taking a philosophy degree from your armchair.

The Party Without Me

David Rönnegard laments having to leave the party early.

The Place of Self-Interest in Morality

Jos Philips considers when acting on your self-interests is morally acceptable too.

Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968)

Alistair MacFarlane appreciates the life of an infamous art prophet.

What is Art? and/or What is Beauty?

The following answers to this artful question each win a random book.



Lettres Françaises • Questioning Absolute Freedom • Communication Communications • Identity Issues • Patent Absurdities • Being Both There & Here • Refutable Wisdom • Personality-Free God • Spotting Spock


Thinking Straight About Curved Space

Raymond Tallis rules out a distorting physics metaphor.


Emotion and Imagination by Adam Morton

Don Berry probes the connection between Emotion and Imagination.

Beyond Human Nature by Jesse J. Prinz

Lantz Fleming Miller considers the nature versus nurture divide in Beyond Human Nature.

Kant’s Politics in Context by Reidar Maliks

Matt Qvortrup puts Kant’s Politics in Context.

Force Majeure

Thomas Wartenberg asks if you really know yourself.


Allegory of the Living Room

Joe S. Kimbrough II wonders if our condition is better than that of Plato’s prisoners.


You Are Here

by Chris Madden

Jon Carter’s Cartoon

by Jon Carter

Simon & Finn

by Melissa Felder

Chris Madden’s Cartoon

by Chris Madden

Bill Stott’s Cartoon

by Bill Stott

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